Irvine Showcase FSBO Listing!
- Get listed FSBO in the IRVINE, CA MLS for a flat fee. The local MLS for Irvine, CA is the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MLS. Included is a showcase REALTOR.COM listing with up to 25 photos. If you sell “BY OWNER”, you save 3% to 6% in real estate commissions. IRVINE CA FLAT FEE REAL ESTATE WILL SAVE YOU THOUSANDS!
- 12 Month listing term (cancel anytime)
- Maximum Photos on the MLS
- Showcased listing on with 25 photos
- Listing on, and many more
- Premium showcase website on
- Listing support throughout the entire term
- Unlimited changes to your MLS listing
- IRVINE, CA LOW COMMISSION FOR SALE BY OWNER IN MLS. We save sellers thousands of dollars in real estate commissions. We offer choice of real estate brokerage throughout the entire state of CALIFORNIA.
- IRVINE NATIONAL EXPOSURE: Your Irvine low commission listing will receive NATIONAL EXPOSURE on sites like MSN®, Yahoo Real Estate®, and 1000’s of other Realtor® websites which offer MLS searching capabilities to the public.
- IRVINE, CA LOW COMMISSION FOR SALE BY OWNER MLS FOR REAL ESTATE SELLERS – Irvine Low Commission MLS Real Estate Rentals – List A FSBO with a Irvine Realty Company – Irvine List Sell Discount Realty Fee For Service Entry Only – How To Sell FSBO in Irvine, CA with a Low Commission Realtor – Irvine By Owner MLS Listing Services for Flat Fee Sellers – Irvine Sell My Home FSBO – Irvine Discount Multiple Listing Services – Irvine List Sell Cheap on MLS – Irvine Realtor Organization Listings – Irvine REALTY SERVICES FOR CALIFORNIA FSBO Home Sellers – Low Rate Listings on Irvine MLS – Choice of Real Estate Brokerage Services – Orange County (Southern Cal) Real Estate for a Fixed Rate Sellers – Discount Realtor